The Spencer & Elisa Roberts Family

The Spencer & Elisa Roberts Family

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Anyone still reading this thing?!?!?!

I bet you are all wondering where the lady is that keeps this thing updated. Well she has been moving and traveling and moving!

We found a bigger place to rent so we have been MOVING again. We had some great help from the Elders. So now I just have to start finding places for everything and I LOVE the huge kitchen in this place. It is a 3 bed, 2 bath with a HUGE master tub and is SO MUCH roomier than the last place. Have had to deal with a leaky kitchen sink and then when I did the first batch of laundry the kitchen decided it was a pool (one of the pipes in the wall came loose). Luckily the plumber was here today and all is well now!!! Yea!!! Oh yea-we even have a dishwasher, a deck and an amazing view! Lots of room-come visit!

See below for a slideshow of pics from our Christmas at my parents house.

As for traveling, I went to Las Vegas to see my sister Amber get married. It was on Jan 24th and I had such a blast there with her, Junior, his parents, Jullia and Lyle and Tronnie. Fast trip, but it was worth it!!! We are throwing them a party this Sat so we will be heading to Virden and we will also pick up the rest of our stuff out of storage since we have the space for it now!! Evalynn stayed in Virden with her VERY SPECIAL daddy while mommy was in Vegas. Spencer is so great with her and she totally loves him!!!

Evalynn is almost 7 months old. She loves her walker unless she is tired-then she throws a fit until someone picks her up and rocks her to sleep. Still not sleeping through the night. She says something that sounds like "Dada" and the other day it sounded like she was saying "I love dada." I think she knows what she is talking about-she says it when Spencer is around or if he has left to go somewhere and didn't kiss her goodbye. She is sitting up well by herself and and turn a whole circle is she is laying on the floor. She gets mad sometimes that she can't get anywhere else. No signs of crawling and I am grateful!!!! Soon she will outgrow her carseat. At her 6 month appointment, she weighed 18 pounds 8 oz and was 26 inches long.

I am still selling Avon. Check out my website:

Oh yea-did I mention that I am 30?!?!?!?!?!?


Susanne said...

I'm still reading! I follow your blog on my dashboard so I get notice when you write a new post--easy peasy.

Crissie said...

Glad to have an update on you guys. We're so glad that you found a roomier place to live. Glad that all is well.

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Families Can Be Together Forever!
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