The Spencer & Elisa Roberts Family

The Spencer & Elisa Roberts Family

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Momisms - what she says and what she really means

This last Mother's day, one of my closest friends gave me this little book with the above title. I like to read it since I was once a kid and heard many of these momisms for myself and also because now we have Evalynn and I will probably use some of the in the future. Every one in a while I find one that I really like and I will share them with you! Make sure to look for them! (just not in the blog section-more likely on the left hand side of this blog page).

1 comment:

Linda said...

I love Momisms! They are usually universal and we all heard them.

It will surprise you when you use one without even thinking!


Families Can Be Together Forever!

Families Can Be Together Forever!
Our little family.