The Spencer & Elisa Roberts Family

The Spencer & Elisa Roberts Family

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


While writing the previous blog, I was just remembering how thankful I am for Spencer. He works hard at his job (which he is loving) so that I can stay home and be with Evalynn. He was the one that told me that I "had" to go to Amber's wedding when we found out it as in Vegas and he stayed in Virden with Evalynn with no complaints while I was gone for 3 days. I love that he is such a handy man and can fix just about everything I break when I try to do things myself. He always supports me in the things I want to do, even if he thinks they are a little crazy!!! Plus, he always knows when I have had enough of everthing and just need hugs.

A BIG HUGE thank you to my DAD and MOM ROBERTS for this great guy they raised. I love him so much!!!


Sharla Jordan said...

you definitly grabbed a great one!

Susanne said...

That was so touching. You make me want to go hug my husband too. Thanks.

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Families Can Be Together Forever!
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